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Why You Need Variable Speed Control

Why have we invested heavily in adding proprietary speed control to our powered wire stripping machines?

Simple, with speed control you can control the pace of stripping based on the condition and size of the wire.

All competitors machines will try unsuccessfully to strip wires of all sizes at “the same top speed”. This is very dangerous and extremely inefficient.

Once you use a StripMeister with speed control, you will never want to strip another wire again without it. Guaranteed!

Speed control helps in the following ways:

  • Increases production by 300% because you eliminate constant turning on and off the machine
  • Reduces slipping tremendously which will cut down on overall stripping time
  • 100% safer than operating without speed control. Why would you want a 3 inch diameter wire going through at the same speed as 1/8th inch?
  • By using speed control on a lower setting, you can feed kinked and twisted stubborn cable through at the perfect cutting speed.

Remember, we are the only manufacturer to offer this essential function.

Five Ways to Strip Copper Wire

People new to the scrap metals business quickly learn that copper wire is king! Although there are more valuable metals out there, nothing matches copper wire’s availability, value and ease of handling. Stripped copper wire is worth three times as much as wire with the insulation, causing many to wonder: what is the best wire stripper? Should they use manual methods, or should they invest in a scrap wire stripping machine? In this article, we’ll explore some common ways to strip copper wire and explain what sort of results each method produces. Here are the five most common ways to strip wire, in order of worst to best.

Burn the insulation off in a fire

Technology Level: Dinosaur Scrapper
Likely Results: Poisoning the environment, $25,000 fines, five-year jail sentences
Scrap copper value: Low
Scrap copper quantity: Moderate

Back in Great-Grandpa’s day, before we understood how important air quality was and how our environment could be adversely affected by burning toxic materials, burning scrap wire to remove the insulation was common. Now, the EPA gives out $10,000 rewards to those who turn in illegal scrap wire burn operations. If you’re caught and convicted, you could receive a $25,000 fine, and a five-year jail sentence. Burning scrap wire is not worth it!

Remove the insulation with a sharp knife

Technology Level: Stone Age Scrapper
Likely Results: personal injury, slave wage earnings
Scrap copper value: Low to Moderate
Scrap copper quantity: Low

Just about every beginning wire scraper starts out with their trusty knife! It is difficult to completely avoid accidents when stripping large amounts of wire with a knife, so most beginners earn a few battle scars. Sadly, they also usually wind up selling a lot of unstripped wire for a low price when they realize how time consuming their manual stripping method is. Instead of using their time to make contacts, find new sources of material, and grow their businesses, knife-using wire strippers remain stuck in the Stone Age of copper wire scrapping. There are much better ways to do it!

Strip the insulation with a homemade gadget

Technology Level: Middle Ages Scrapper
Likely Results: frequent breakdowns, high levels of effort
Scrap copper value: Low to Moderate
Scrap copper quantity: Moderate

Scrappers, by nature, are innovative, entrepreneurial people. Most quickly realize that burning wire and using the sharp knife method will hold their businesses back, and they start tinkering about, looking for ways to improve their productivity. For a scrapper with excellent fabrication skills, a well-equipped workshop, access to high quality materials and the time to bring all of these things together, the homemade wire stripping machine sometimes works out well. For most scrappers, however, the tinkering results in devices that don’t work well and frequently break down. In the long run, this approach doesn’t get them any further ahead than just using a knife would have.

Cleaning wire with a manual wire stripping machine

Technology Level: Industrial Age Scrapper
Likely Results: fiddly adjustments,frequent breakdowns
Scrap copper value: Moderate
Scrap copper quantity: Moderate

Scrappers who decide to buy a wire stripping machine are astute business people who are highly motivated to make their business a success! Unfortunately, there are a lot of vendors selling inferior manual wire stripping machine designs and demanding premium prices for so-so quality. It is typical to spend a lot of time with these machines fiddling with their many adjustments, clearing jams, replacing expensive, hard to find cutting tools, and exerting a lot of physical effort using them. That’s not to mention having to wait weeks for the machine to arrive from overseas in the first place! There is a better way!

Strip that wire and build your scrap metal business with a StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping Machine!

Technology Level
: Modern Scrap Metals Entrepreneur
Likely Results: Excellent Profits
Scrap copper value: High
Scrap copper quantity: High

The StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping Machine is a quality piece of equipment that is a pleasure to use! The buzz about this machine on social media from copper wire strippers is that it really does the job better than cheaply built, overpriced manual stripping machines made overseas.

Yes, you’ll lay out a few more of your hard-earned dollars on this smart investment in your business, but you’ll see a return on that investment in a few hours or days of use. Many of those manual wire stripping machines never pay for themselves.

Made right here in North America out of aircraft-grade aluminum and stainless steel, it’s built using 5-axis precision CNC milling technology and will last many years. Backed by a one-year guarantee against manufacturing defects, it arrives quickly from one of our several North American distribution centers so you can start earning!

The StripMeister Original Wire Stripping Machine is the best wire stripping machine on the market. If you want to grow your scrap metal business, a drill powered wire stripping machine is the way to go! Order yours today!

The StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping Machine: Top 10 Ways to Profit

Have you heard the buzz on social media about how more and more scrappers just like you are investing in StripMeister automatic wire stripping machines? Are you wondering how all those sharp business people are turning this reasonably priced tool into a very smart investment in their business they couldn’t live without?

It’s easier than you think! Here are the Top 10 ways to turn a profit with a StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping Machine:

10.  Buy Scrap Wire at Auctions

Smart scrappers prowl auction websites looking for deals on bulk quantities of scrap wire! Your StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping Machine makes it easy to turn big batches of scrap wire into #2 and #1 scrap copper, doubling or even tripling your money!

9.  Scrap your automotive wire

Are you out there with your trailer buying junk cars and then selling them whole at the local scrap yard? Don’t throw your profits away! Grab those wiring harnesses and feed them to your StripMeister Original wire stripping machine. Suddenly the material which would have sold for automotive shred prices is now selling for #2 or #1 copper prices!

8. Tear-Down Commercial Machines

Business owners and restaurant franchise managers often give their old junk equipment
away for free, just for the convenience of having you haul it away!  Commercial machines used in all kinds of industries are filled with dozens of pounds of wire!  Tear those machines down and turn the pounds of insulated copper wire inside into big profits!

7. Work with local Electrician Apprentices

Apprentice electricians don’t get paid well, but they get to keep scrap wire from tear-out & replace jobs to help compensate.  They spend hours of their free time at home manually stripping wire.  But as an experienced scrap metals entrepreneur, you know better!  Offer them a fair price for their insulated wire scrap, bring it home to your StripMeister, and double or triple your investment!

6. CRT Television Degaussing Cable is a snap!

TV scrappers know copper is king, and the degaussing cable has a thick sheaf of #1 bare bright hidden inside.  But the wrapped insulation can turn into a sticky mess!  The StripMeister Original is made for this!  Cut off the thick part where the pigtail connects, and run the rest of it through the machine.  You’ll be amazed at how much faster the insulation comes off!

5. Make Washer and Dryer Wiring Harnesses Pay

How many scrap washers or dryers have you hauled into your local scrap yard whole?  You left the wiring harness inside because it wasn’t worth your time to remove and strip, didn’t you?  But your StripMeister Original makes the situation completely different!  Now you can profitably pull the wiring harness out and strip the insulated copper wire into #2 or #1 copper!

4. Harvest Computer Power Supply wire

So, you’re tearing down scrap computers, grabbing the valuable main boards, memory, and CPU chips.  If you don’t have a StripMeister Original, you might as well leave the power supplies in the machines; it’s not worth your time to take them out.  If you have North America’s number one selling wire stripping machine, it’s a different story! A few judiciously-applied chops with a sharp hatchet cleans the connectors off the straight, copper-filled wire.  Zip it through your StripMeister, and turn what you used to sell for steel shred into #2 copper!

3. Short Bits and Pieces: No Problem!

Scrappers in the real world know scrap wire doesn’t come neatly coiled in 100 foot lengths.  Instead, it comes in lengths of a foot here and a few inches there which are hard to strip by hand.  With a StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping Machine, now you can toss all of your “smalls” in a box and save them until you have a quantity worth working with.  Sort it by thickness and zip through it!  You’ll love how those short lengths of wire turn into profits, quickly and easily!

2.Process wire you never could make money on before

Not every wire scrappers take in can be stripped quickly or easily enough to make it profitable.  But there is a surprisingly large class of wire you couldn’t profitably strip by hand that a StripMeister Original can power right through!  Quality vacuum cleaners have long lengths of 16 gauge power cord, for example.  Stripping it by hand will cost more money than you earn!  But your StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping machine makes these cords profitable!  Next time you see a vacuum on the curb, don’t just snip the wire and toss it into the ICW box, strip it and double or triple your money!

1.  Make Romex Profitable!

The most common wire in North America is Romex household electrical wire.  Found in virtually every structure, a LOT of it is torn out every single day during remodeling projects.  When you strip it by hand, you only earn a couple of dollars an hour!

Enter the StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping Machine.  With its built-in Romex adapter and high feed rates, there’s no better tool for the job!  This machine makes stripping Romex a pleasurable, profitable venture!

Quality Equipment for a reasonable price

For $259, the StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping machine is a quality unit made in North America from aircraft grade aluminum and stainless steel that has a one year guarantee against manufacturing defects.  It makes stripping wire in sizes from #16 wire to 250 MCM (diameters from 0.100″ (3mm) up to 0.79″ (20.1mm))nearly effortless.

Thousands of scrappers just like you agree: the StripMeister Original Automatic Wire Stripping Machine is one of the best investments they’ve ever made!  Order yours today!

How Quickly Does E1000 Pay for Itself

The StripMeister™ E1000

by Geoff Gariepy

What business do you advertise on the sign out front?  How productive are you in performing that service or making that product?

Regardless of what it says on the sign, if you handle significant quantities of scrap insulated copper wire (ICW) in various sizes in the course of doing business, chances are you’re leaving money on the table.

The revenue your operation realizes from selling scrap ICW is important to your bottom line.  Your profitability depends on earning as much as you can from the material you handle.  Although you know you could sell your scrap ICW as #1 bare bright copper material for two to three times as much by stripping the insulation off, the amount of time required to strip it manually occupies either you or one of your employees in a low-productivity task that is not the main focus of your business.  After all, you and your employees are far more productive and profitable when you stick to the type of work that’s advertised on the sign out front.  And chances are, that sign doesn’t say anything about stripping wire!

Scrap Metal Prices Have Tanked

At the same time, the scrap metal market you came to depend on over the past few years to help your bottom line isn’t what it used to be.

You aren’t alone if you’ve noticed that prices have taken a dive.  People in the industry are now talking like the lucrative scrap metal prices from just a few years ago were nothing more than a bubble that has since popped.

But your expenses sure haven’t taken a dive.  You need that scrap metal’s revenue more than ever before.  And with an uncertain economy, declining revenues in the scrap metal part of your business, labor costs continually rising, and ICW just as hard and time consuming to strip as ever, you know you need to make a big improvement in efficiency.

The Right Tool for The Job

What if there was a way to get the insulation off the wire much more quickly and easily?  What if there was a precision engineered, heavy duty tool that could handle stripping the serious volume of scrap ICW your business produces without breaking a sweat, or your bottom line? Wouldn’t you like to spend less time recovering value from your scrap ICW and more time concentrating on your main line of business?  The StripMeisterTM E1000 automatic wire stripping machine can do all of this and more!

The folks behind the StripMeisterTM E1000 automatic wire stripping machine produce a well-engineered tool that is affordably priced at $1149.  With an efficient, 1/2HP DC electric motor, featuring a Pulse Width Modulated speed control and a gear reduction drive, you get high torque and precisely adjustable cutting speeds.  Cutting tool changes, which only come once every 8,000 pounds of wire, are a snap, and the machine realigns itself upon assembly, with no adjustments required.  What’s more, the cutting tool is a precision CNC machined rotary knife made from hardened, heat treated tool steel, and is reasonably priced at $59.99, making the cost of consumables very affordable.

If you’ve been burned by poorly made equipment before, rest assured, they build the StripMeisterTM E1000 in an ISO-9000 certified factory right here in North America, and stand behind it with a full, yearlong warranty against manufacturer defects, so you know they’re confident in the quality of their equipment.  This machine is a professional grade tool, built to last in a commercial or industrial environment for many years.

But How Quickly Does It Pay for Itself?

Let’s look at three of the common types of scrap ICW a business like yours typically handles, and see what kind of prices it brings when sold with the insulation still on and with insulation removed at a typical scrap yard in the United States.  We’ll show how long it takes to remove the insulation manually, and compare this with how much more quickly it goes with the aid of a StripMeisterTM E1000 automatic stripping machine.

For the sake of discussion, let’s assume that the worker stripping the wire manually is the perfect, dream employee who has a perpetually sharp knife, never stops for coffee or smoke breaks, and is strong enough to strip hundreds of pounds of wire at a steady rate of 300 feet per hour unassisted.  We’ll put his approximate labor cost to you, if you pay him $10 an hour, conservatively at $14.35/hour, benefits included.  We’ll also show how long the same employee takes to strip the same wire using a StripMeisterTM E1000.

THHN/THHW 1/0 Copper Wire

Original material100 feet of THHN/THHW 1/0 copper wire
Weight of wire with insulation still on the copper37.2 pounds
Scrap Yard classification80% wire, $.90/lb
ICW Selling Price$33.48
Copper Weight, Insulation Removed32.61 pounds
Manual time to strip20 minutes, at a labor cost of $4.78
E1000 time to strip1.25 minutes, at a labor cost of $0.30
Bare Bright Selling Price @ $2/lb$65.22
Employee productivity/hour, manual stripping


(300 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)

Employee productivity/hour, E1000 stripping


(4800 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)

$1,509.17 – 18+ times more productive!
E1000 ROI1,908 feet of this material, stripped in 23.86 minutes

If your business handles scrap 1/0 Copper Wire in significant quantities, your E1000 could pay for itself roughly four times over before you would need to replace the blade for the first time!   The E1000 is capable of processing this material at 80 feet per minute, which is roughly 16 times faster than our “perfect” employee can do it by hand and it will do so at a much lower overall cost.

That “E1000 ROI” figure listed above?  That’s showing you that your StripMeisterTM E1000 could pay for itself in a little under twenty-four minutes (if you had enough of this material to keep it going for that long!)

But the real story here is how much more productive the worker operating the machine is than he is manually stripping wire.  He adds $80.87 in value to the unstripped ICW in an hour, stripping 300 feet of it by hand.  The same worker, operating the StripMeisterTM E1000, would add $1,509.17 in value to the 4800 feet of ICW he could strip bare in an hour.  That’s an increase in his productivity of roughly 18 times!

250MCM Insulated Copper Wire

Original material100 feet of 250MCM insulated copper wire
Weight of wire with insulation still on the copper85.1 pounds
Scrap Yard classificationInsulated Wire: $1.02/lb
ICW Selling Price$86.80
Copper Weight, Insulation Removed77.19 pounds
Manual time to strip20 minutes, at a labor cost of $4.78
E1000 time to strip1.17 minutes, at a labor cost of $0.28
Bare Bright Selling Price @ $2/lb$154.38
Employee productivity/hour, manual stripping


(300 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)

Employee productivity/hour, E1000 stripping


(5100 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)

$3,432.13 – 18+ times more productive!
E1000 ROI1,085 feet of this material, stripped in 12.76 minutes

The StripMeisterTM E1000 really begins to shine when you’re feeding it 250MCM Insulated copper wire!  Manufacturer rated to process this material at 85 feet per minute, it powers through our 100-foot sample of 250MCM in a little over one minute, ten seconds of operation, costing us a mere 28 cents worth of our worker’s time.  How quickly could this machine pay for itself?  Well, if you’ve got a significant quantity of scrap 250MCM, it will strip enough of it in thirteen minutes to cover its purchase price, labor costs included, even after deducting the value of the source material sold as ICW.

As for our worker’s productivity?  Once again, he’s more than 18 times as productive operating the machine than he would be stripping that wire by hand.

1000MCM Insulated Copper Wire

Original material100 feet of 1000MCM insulated copper wire
Weight of wire with insulation still on the copper326 pounds
Scrap Yard classificationInsulated Wire: $1.02/lb
ICW Selling Price$332.52
Copper Weight, Insulation Removed308.75 pounds
Manual time to strip20 minutes, at a labor cost of $4.78
E1000 time to strip1.11 minutes, at a labor cost of $0.27
Bare Bright Selling Price @ $2/lb$617.15
Employee productivity/hour, manual stripping (300 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)$840.59
Employee productivity/hour, E1000 stripping (5400 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)$15,374.57 – 18+ times more productive!
E1000 ROI390 feet of this material, stripped in 4.33 minutes

Would you have guessed that a StripMeisterTM E1000 could theoretically pay for itself in 2.24 minutes?  If you’ve got a few hundred feet of scrap pieces of 1000 MCM in the back room, it can!  After it’s done paying for itself, it will be ready to turn a profit for you for hundreds of more feet of wire before even needing a new cutting tool!  Most importantly, however, the StripMeisterTM E1000 remains eighteen times more productive than a worker manually stripping wire in terms of dollars and cents.

Your $1149 investment is paying off huge dividends in profits and productivity!

Quick Change Artist

Of course, most businesses like yours don’t have a few thousand feet of the same type of scrap wire laying around waiting to be stripped.  You more likely have a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a pile or six of assorted other things, with a whole lot of it in short pieces!  You might rip out a couple hundred feet of Romex one day, and salvage some heavy gauge scrap wire when you wire an industrial machine the next.   If you’re a scrap yard, you’re getting all different kinds of wire every single day.  Handling all of this efficiently by hand can be a nightmare, and the competition’s machines just aren’t up to the job.

Fortunately, the StripMeisterTM E1000 automatic wire stripping machine makes taming this jumbled assortment of wire types simple.  It features a two-piece front wire guide that makes quick work of adjusting the machine to different sizes.  It can handle everything from 18 gauge wire up to 1000 MCM, and it has the ability to precisely change the cutting speed to the rate that best suits the material.  With a little bit of sorting, you can quickly set the machine up to process wire in batches, get through your scrap wire piles and turn them into profits quickly!

Most of our customers report back to us that their StripMeisterTM E1000 has paid for itself in a matter of a few hours of operation with the typical jumble of different wire sizes via its huge improvement in their productivity.  After that, they tell us, the machine then goes on to earn profits for years after the initial investment has been recovered…profits that up until now the scrap copper wire part of your business just has not been able to generate.

Ready to Work, Everyday

It bears mentioning that the StripMeisterTM E1000 automatic wire stripping machine is not a cheap piece of junk made overseas.  Designed and precision manufactured at an ISO-9001 certified factory right here in North America, the StripMeisterTM E1000 will handle your tough wire stripping jobs for years after it has paid for itself.  It will do it in all kinds of weather, too: this machine is made of corrosion resistant aluminum and stainless steel, so if the wire stripping job needs to happen out in the back parking lot, a little rain or snow won’t hurt it.  It even includes the StripMeisterTM-exclusive built-in Romex wire feed adapter, making the set-up for America’s most popular wire simple and easy.

Really, in these days of declining scrap metal prices and increasing costs, you can’t afford to do without one of these machines and the eighteen-fold increase in productivity it brings.

Additional Features

  • Constructed of aircraft grade aluminum and stainless steel hardware, it will never rust
  • Powerful, 1/2HP PWM variable speed controlled DC motor (runs on 60Hz 120V AC)
  • Strips all sizes from #18 wire to 1000 MCM, Diameters from 0.11″ (2.7mm) up to 1.4″ (35.5mm) including ROMEX and braided (stranded) wire
  • Blades last for about 8,000 pounds of wire apiece
  • One-year warranty against manufacturer defects, and a 30-day, money back return policy
  • Prompt shipping, and ready availability of replacement parts

Why buy the E2000x when copper prices are down

Article Summary

Using the E2000x to strip the following cables will pay for itself in the following times:

Your business is serious about making money from scrap insulated copper wire (ICW).  As a large electrical contractor, building demolition expert, or
professional scrap metals reseller, handling ICW efficiently and extracting the largest value from the material is often part of the lifeblood of your business.

But up until now, you’ve been leaving money on the table.  Either you’re still stripping your ICW manually – a costly and inefficient process – or the wire stripping equipment you’re using isn’t well suited to the large volume of ICW that your business handles.  Maybe you’ve outgrown tools that are better suited for an individual scrapper, or maybe you’ve lost time and money trying to repair a substandard wire stripping machine that just isn’t well made.

What Happened to Scrap Metal Prices?

In the meantime, you’re feeling the pressure that the shrinking scrap metals market has brought to bear on your bottom line.  Scrap metal simply isn’t worth what it was even two years ago, and you’re moving more volume than ever before just to keep up.  Maybe you’re in the position of having had to let some material go as ICW that you would have stripped back when prices were better and you could still afford the labor to do it.  Maybe you’re even facing some tough decisions about cutting back on payroll in order to keep the business afloat at current prices, all the while sweating which way the market seems to be going.  You’re not alone; even some of the biggest scrap metal handlers have been drinking Alka Seltzer® instead of their morning coffee as they watch the futures prices head over the cliff.

Now that old, tired, hobbyist level wire stripper you keep out in back is getting in the way of your productivity.  Your guys just can’t produce stripped wire using it or the manual methods any faster than they already are.  You need a major increase in productivity, but you’ve got a limited budget to make improvements.  How will you get this situation back under control, and start earning profits from your ICW again?

Professional Grade Equipment

You need a wire stripping machine that can handle large volumes of wire in many different sizes.  One that far outpaces the clunky old machine you might already have in terms of productivity and reliability, and one that significantly improves the productivity of your employees many times over what they’re capable of by stripping wire with a sharp knife.  You know you need a machine that’s precision engineered and made out of sturdy, corrosion-resistant materials, capable of working just as well outside as inside.  You’d certainly feel better about buying a machine that was made right here in North America to extremely high standards instead of cut-rate junk from overseas made as cheaply as possible and likely to break by the end of the first month.  You need professional grade equipment, but it has to be affordably priced and it has to pay for itself quickly!

The StripMeister E2000x

The StripMeister E2000x Industrial Wire Stripping Machine is professional grade equipment, built for businesses like yours that handle large amounts of scrap insulated copper wire.  Priced at a reasonable $1649, it’s made to exacting ISO-9001 standards in a world-class, North American factory.   It handles both stranded and solid copper (or aluminum) wire from 16 gauge (1/8”) all the way up to 2000MCM (3 1/8”)!

Based on a powerful, 1 HP DC electric motor, it features a sophisticated Pulse Width Modulated speed control and a gear reduction drive that delivers quiet, smooth and efficient operation and also features a large Emergency Stop button for enhanced safety.   Improved over our previous StripMeister E2000 machine, the E2000x has our new spiral groove technology feeder drive and a new, quickly reconfigurable double slider front guide which includes a Romex wire adapter to speed up stripping America’s most popular wire by 33%.

This machine is our very best design, and we stand behind it with a full one-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.   Cutting tool changes, which only come once every 8,000 pounds of wire, are a snap, and the machine realigns itself precisely after you change the blade, with no adjustments required.  What’s more, the cutting tool is a precision CNC machined rotary knife made from hardened, heat treated tool steel, and is reasonably priced at $99.99, making the cost of consumables very affordable.

But How Quickly Does It Pay for Itself?

Let’s look at three of the common types of scrap ICW a business like yours typically handles, and see what kind of prices it brings when sold with the insulation still on and with insulation removed at a typical scrap yard in the United States.  We’ll show how long it takes to remove the insulation manually, and compare this with how much more quickly it goes with the aid of a StripMeisterTM E2000x automatic stripping machine.

For the sake of discussion, let’s assume that the worker stripping the wire manually one of your best people.  You know the one, she wields a perpetually sharp knife, doesn’t waste her time standing around the water cooler, and is strong enough to strip hundreds of pounds of heavy, insulated wire at a steady rate of 300 feet per hour unassisted.  We’ll put her approximate labor cost to you, if you pay her $10 an hour, conservatively at $14.35/hour, benefits included.  We’ll also show how long the same employee takes to strip the same wire using a StripMeisterTM E2000X.

Case Study #1: THHN/THHW 2/0 Copper Wire

Original scrap material100 feet of THHN/THHW 2/0 copper wire
Weight of wire with insulation still on the copper46.2 pounds
Scrap Yard classification80% wire, $.90/lb
ICW Selling Price, 100 feet$41.58
Copper Weight, 100 feet, Insulation Removed41 pounds
Bare Bright Selling Price 100 feet @ $2/lb$82.00
Manual time to strip 100 feet20 minutes, at a labor cost of $4.78
E2000X time to strip 100 feet1.33 minutes, at a labor cost of $0.32
Employee productivity/hour, manual stripping


(300 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)

Employee productivity/hour, E2000X stripping


(4500 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)

$1,804.55/hr – 16.88 times more productive!
E2000X ROIpays for itself in 58 minutes stripping 2/0

If your business handles scrap 2/0 Copper Wire in significant quantities, your E2000X could pay for itself almost twice before you would need to replace the blade for the first time!   The E2000X is capable of processing this material at 75 feet per minute, which is almost 17 times faster than our “perfect” employee can do it by hand, and it will do so at a much lower overall cost.

But the real story here is how much more productive the worker is while operating the machine than they are while manually stripping wire.  They add $106.91 in value to the unstripped ICW in an hour, stripping 300 feet of it by hand.  The same worker, operating the StripMeisterTM E2000X, would add $1,804.55 in value to the 4500 feet of 2/0 ICW they could strip bare in an hour.

Case Study #2: 500MCM Insulated Copper Wire

Original scrap material100 feet of 500MCM insulated copper wire
Weight of 100 feet of wire with insulation still on the copper165 pounds
Scrap Yard classificationInsulated Wire: $1.22/lb
ICW Selling Price, 100 feet$201.30
Copper Weight, 100 feet, Insulation Removed154.38 pounds
Bare Bright Selling Price 100 feet @ $2/lb$308.76
Manual time to strip 100 feet20 minutes, at a labor cost of $4.78
E2000X time to strip 100 feet1.25 minutes, at a labor cost of $0.31
Employee productivity/hour, manual stripping


(300 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)

Employee productivity/hour, E2000X stripping


(4800 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)

$5,143.73/hr – 16+ times more productive!
E2000X ROIstripping 500MCM you make your money back in just under 15 minutes.

 Once again, the efficiency of the worker using the StripMeisterTM E2000X is dramatically higher than the same worker manually stripping wire at 300 feet per hour.  500MCM wire, being inherently more valuable than 2/0 wire, picks up an additional advantage in that it is actually processed 5 feet per minute faster by the E2000x than 2/0 wire. Manufacturer rated to process this material at 80 feet per minute, it powers through our 100-foot sample of 50MCM in one minute, fifteen seconds of operation, costing us only 31 cents worth of our worker’s time.  How quickly could this machine pay for itself?  Well, if you’ve got a significant quantity of scrap 500MCM, it will strip enough of it in just under 15 minutes to cover its purchase price, labor costs included, even after deducting what the value of the insulated source material would be if it was turned in unstripped.

As for our worker’s productivity?  Once again, they are almost 17 times more productive operating the machine than they would be stripping that wire by hand.  Their also far less likely to suffer injuries because not only is the StripMeister E2000x much faster than using a sharp knife, it’s inherently safer, too!  And remember, if things start to get out of hand, the E2000x features an Emergency Stop switch that shuts it down immediately with a single blow.  Does your current wire stripping device strip this much wire this quickly, economically, and safely?  Probably not! 

Case Study #3: 2000MCM Insulated Copper Wire

Original material100 feet of 2000MCM insulated copper wire
Weight of wire with insulation still on the copper880 pounds
Scrap Yard classificationInsulated Wire: $1.22/lb
ICW Selling Price$1,073.60
Copper Weight, Insulation Removed617.5 pounds
Bare Bright Selling Price @ $2/lb$1,235.00
Manual time to strip20 minutes, at a labor cost of $4.78
E2000X time to strip1.11 minutes, at a labor cost of $0.27
Employee productivity/hour, manual stripping (300 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)$469.85
Employee productivity/hour, E2000X stripping (5400 feet stripped price – ICW price – labor)$8,701.25 – 18+ times more productive!
E2000X ROIstripping 2000MCM you make your money back in just under 12 minutes.

Given that 2000MCM (2000KCMIL) wire is 70% wire, the StripMeisterTM E2000X could theoretically pay for itself in about 12 minutes if you had enough 2000MCM wire to run through!  After it’s done paying for itself, it will be ready to turn a profit for you for many years to come on wire and cable of all different sizes and yields.

In the meantime, your worker will have multiplied her average hourly productivity by over eighteen times using this very reasonably priced, high quality investment in industrial wire stripping technology.

Remember, the return on investment here assumes that one worker can handle hundreds upon hundreds of feet of extremely heavy wire by herself; that she can slice through a heavy jacket of insulation as quickly as a thin one, can move the scrap wire around the shop herself using a forklift, and never needs new utility knife blades or work breaks.  If you factor in the reality that the job here could easily occupy two or three people, that injuries using sharp tools to manually strip wire are common, and that 300 foot per hour productivity manually stripping wire likely represents the peak, rather than the average, productivity for a single worker, you will find that your StripMeister E2000x machine offers efficiencies and profitability enhancements that go well beyond what we’re able to describe for you here.

Quick Change Artist

Of course, most businesses like yours don’t have thousands of feet of the same type of scrap wire laying around, perfectly sorted and lined up, just waiting to be stripped.  You might take in hundreds of different types of scrap wire per month, each with a different recovery rate, and most of it in random lengths!  It will likely be twisted and tangled together on top of it all.  Handling all of this efficiently by hand can be a nightmare!  Is your old wire stripping machine really up to the job?

Fortunately, the StripMeisterTM E2000X automatic wire stripping machine makes taming this jumbled assortment of wire types simple.  It features a two-piece front wire guide that makes quick work of adjusting the machine to different sizes.  The motor speed can be precisely adjusted to a feed rate that produces the best results, too.  It can handle everything from 16 gauge wire up to 2000MCM, and it has the ability to precisely change the cutting speed to the rate that best suits the material.  With a little bit of sorting, you can quickly set the machine up to process wire in batches, get through your scrap wire piles and turn them into profits quickly!

Most of our customers report back to us that their StripMeisterTM E2000X has paid for itself in a matter of a few hours or days of operation with the typical jumble of different wire sizes via its huge improvement in their productivity.

Your investment with us

The E2000x Automatic Wire Stripping Machine is more than just a tool you buy to do a job.  It represents our very best piece of wire stripping equipment for our most demanding customers.  We have given it our premium electric motor drive, our finest wire feeder design, and built it to last for years out of high quality materials that can withstand a very tough environment.  We back all of this up with a full, one-year warranty against manufacturing or material defects, and support it with prompt shipping of consumables when you need them and replacement parts should they become necessary.

Really, in these days of declining scrap metal prices and increasing costs, you can’t afford to do without one of these machines and the tremendous increase in productivity it brings.

Quick Facts
  • Constructed of aircraft grade aluminum and stainless steel hardware, it will never rust
  • Powerful, 1 HP PWM variable speed controlled DC motor (runs on 60Hz 120V AC)
  • Strips all sizes from #16 wire to 2000 MCM, Diameters from 0.11″ (2.7mm) up to 1.4″ (35.5mm) including ROMEX and braided (stranded) wire.
  • Handles Romex with a built-in guide in only two passes.
  • Blades last for about 8,000 feet or 8,000 pounds of wire apiece
  • One-year warranty against manufacturer defects, and a 30-day, money back return policy
  • Prompt shipping, and ready availability of replacement parts

Justifying the StripMeister Original: A Case Study

Why buy a StripMeister Original when copper prices are down?

Summary points of article:

  • StripMeister original pays for itself in just 5 straight hours stripping romex at current copper prices
  • It makes you around $48/hour compared to manual stripping which brings in $4/hour
  • 12 times as fast as stripping by hand, or in other words, strip in 5 minutes what it takes in an hour by hand
  • Get 140% more $$$ for the same material stripped than the insulated copper wire price

Read on to to see how we precisely came to these numbers…

Continue reading

What can you get for 120lb’s of unstripped house wire?

Max has accumulated around 120lb’s of unstripped house wire. If sold to the scrapyard as is they would give him only $110.

He used the StripMeister™ original to strip the entire load in no time at all.

He then took to the scrapyard and was paid $280

Get your stripmeister™ today, don’t sell your scrap wire unstripped. Burning is illegal and removing the casing using a knife is ridiculous.

Make your money back in hours

With copper prices currently exceeding $3 per lb, it’s crazy not to get the maximum dollar value out of your left over scrap copper wire.

By utilizing our wire stripping machine the StripMeister™ you will find that this is entirely possible to do.

Why let the scrap yards reap the rewards from YOUR scrap wire!!

Whether you are cutting an assortment of sizes to a standard size of wire, your “loot” is worth the time you invest in our automatic wire stripper. We ran a test involving an assortment of copper wire sizes as depicted above in one hours time. The end result was 51.21 lbs. We also ran a variety of other tests to determine what we were looking at regarding the output of this wire stripping machine. The results were incredible! In one hour using #8 wire, you can manage 42 lbs, # 3 wire resulted in 105 lbs in an hour and 3/0 wire racked up a whopping 216 lbs of wire in just an hours time! Even making the necessary adjustment to switch between the different wire sizes took seconds!

When you calculate the weight you have achieved with the current copper prices it’s not difficult to see why this copper wire stripper is essential to have.

It literally takes no time at all for this machine to pay for itself!!

Not only will you make extra cash in a short amount of time, you are doing your part by recyclying copper wire which is important to our environment.

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Why Choose a StripMeister™

The StripMeister™ has so many compelling reasons why it is the top choice for your wire stripping needs. Here are a few:

Constructed from Solid aircraft grade aluminum alloy – will never bend or distort will literally outlast any other tool in your tool box!

All precision machined with 5axis CNC milling technology – (no other wire stripper fits so well together and operates so smooth)

Fit and finish is far superior to that of all competitor models – all components have been precision machined and finished

Order taken and shipped immediately from warehouse– ensuring prompt delivery (don’t wait 4 weeks or more – start making money now)

Built in ROMEX adapter:

  • Enables multi-layer wires to be cut in one shot – will save an additional 33%of your time over other automatic wire strippers
  • Prevents thin and soft wire from escaping the blade – other wire strippers often jump the track which wastes time

Can easily be mounted in three convenient methods:

  • Clamp on bench
  • Bolt down on wood or bench
  • Secure in a vise (this is not a hand-held device..)

German engineered and made in North America

300% return on your scrap copper wire when it is stripped

The value of bright copper wire is 3-4 times that of insulated wire. If you normally sell insulated wire to a salvage yard, you can be guaranteed that the StripMeister™ will pay for itself in possibly one visit

You can strip thousands of feet of wire in the time it would take you to do a few hundred by hand. No longer do you have to use the Utillity knife or hecksaw to remove the insulation from the copper wire

With this process you are sustaining the environment by recycling the materials

Perfect inexpensive Solution for Home Owners, Scrappers, workshops, Electricians and recyclers alike

No tools required! (unlike some other machines) to adjust the machine for different wire-sizes—because you WILL lose them

Get your StripMeister™ today!